Holy fucking motherfucker Finally this is ready! -___- You can't believe how much I fighted with colours and how my scanner nearly made me cry when I tried to scan sketch which would have made making this much faster! But in the end... I'm happy with result. I found topic hard though it was given by me xP I have so many favourite songs... But I chosed PMMP - Leskiäidin tyttäret (= Daughters of widow mother )
Here are the lyrics which I use as "description" :
Jotenkin ovat silmätkin vanhat jo aikaisin. Joku muka pimeään kietoutuu, tahtoisi varjoihin; minä vaihtaisin kaiken pois, raskas on kivi kantaa. Vedenselät puhuisivat aamuisin, kuinka on kaunis maa. I WON'T TRANSLATE THAT SRY.
~ Natsimaro out
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